Urban Water Supply Improvement in Jharkhand

project overview

The water supply in Jharkhand currently falls below national standards, characterized by intermittent and inadequate service levels. Urban local bodies struggle to manage the capital and operational costs required for system augmentation due to insufficient funds. To address this critical issue, the Government of Jharkhand (GoJ), through its Urban Development and Housing Department (UDHD), has partnered with financial institutions like the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the World Bank. The Jharkhand Urban Infrastructure Development Company Limited (JUIDCO) was established to manage the ADB loan for the Jharkhand Urban Water Supply Improvement Project (JUWSIP), where the GoJ serves as the Executing Agency (EA) and JUIDCO as the Implementing Authority (IA).

The project comprises five initiatives across three cities, ensuring metered domestic connections for 24/7 water supply and adherence to ADB's safeguard policy guidelines on environmental and social aspects.
client name

JUIDCO (Jharkhand Urban Infrastructure Development Company Limited)

service provided
  • Project Management


Urban, Water & Hydropower



Project Management and Compliance Support

Rodic Consultants Pvt Ltd, in joint venture with Haskoning DHV Consulting Pvt Ltd, has been appointed to assist the PMU (JUIDCO) in various capacities.


Technological Integration

Rodic's approach integrates advanced project monitoring systems, contract management platforms, and specialized HR tools to ensure efficient project execution:


  • Project Progress Monitoring System (PPMS): Tracks project progress, ensuring timelines and budgets are adhered to.
  • RODIC HUB: Centralized platform for contract management, ensuring compliance and efficient dispute resolution.
  • ZING HR: Recruitment and workforce management tool tailored for extensive project needs

Benefits to Client and Beneficiaries

The successful implementation of Jharkhand Urban Water Supply Improvement Project (JUWSIP) will provide significant benefits to both JUIDCO and the state of Jharkhand. For JUIDCO, the primary advantage lies in substantial regional development and the elimination of severe traffic congestion in Srinagar city. The end users will also experience considerable benefits as the new water supply system will reduce the congestion caused by residential and commercial construction along the existing infrastructure.

The project will enable residents to bypass heavily congested areas, ensuring more efficient connectivity to district headquarters and major roads in Pulwama, Budgam, Srinagar, Baramulla, and Bandipora.


Mitigating Environmental and Social Challenges

The project faces environmental challenges that could affect the surrounding ecosystem, which are mitigated by the PMU Consultant ensuring compliance with the Environmental Management Plan through the respective contractors. Additionally, ensuring the social safeguard and well-being of the community and workers is addressed by the PMU Consultant through adherence to social safeguard policies, fostering community participation and involvement, and prioritizing the health and safety of all working personnel.


The JUWSIP project, supported by ADB and the Government of Jharkhand, represents a significant step forward in improving the water supply infrastructure in the region. By addressing the critical challenges of environmental impact and social safeguards, and through the diligent efforts of Rodic Consultants, the project promises to deliver safe and potable water to the residents of Jharkhand, significantly reducing water-borne diseases and enhancing the quality of life.



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